
  1. What is a Social Media Marketing Strategy?
  2. What to Include in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
If you are looking at implementing a digital marketing strategy then social media marketing should be at the forefront of your efforts. Social media marketing can drastically increase your sales and consequently your revenue; however, it is not as easy as it seems. In order to succeed, there needs to be a lot of research, planning, goal setting, and strategic tactics.In this article, we will explain what a social media marketing strategy consists of as well as what to include in your social media marketing strategy.

What is a Social Media Marketing Strategy?

As with all areas of life, it is important to set goals and map out a plan of how to achieve them. This is essentially what a social media marketing strategy is. It consists of a variety of goals and tactics through which one can measure progress and achievements made. It also allows you to assess whether adjustments should be made in order to stay on track to succeed. It is important to make these goals realistic for your business as it can be discouraging if they are not reached.

What to Include in Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

There are a few key aspects to include in your social media marketing strategy and they consist of:
  • Build Your Brand: It is important to determine who and what your brand is and represents. This will allow for your brand to have a personality and be more relatable to current and potential customers.
  • Determine Your Target Audience: Once you have defined your brand, it is time to decide who your target audience is as this will be key to finding the right people to market your products or services to.
  • The Right Social Media Channel: When you know who your target audience consists of you will know which social media channels they predominantly reside on. The industry that your business is located in will also have an influence on the social media marketing channels that you choose to make use of.
  • Determine Your Budget: It is advisable to calculate and set aside what you should spend to achieve the result you are looking for, and what you are able to spend, and perhaps readjust your goals according to those figures.
  • Run Ads: Once you have determined all of these factors it is time to run ads, expose yourself to your ideal customer base, gather leads, and make sales!
It is advisable to recruit the help of a social media marketing expert if you are interested in succeeding at social media marketing. Whether you decide to go for training and do it yourself, or employ an agency to take care of your marketing for you, getting some help is never a bad thing. To find out more about social media marketing, contact the social media team at Starbright.