
  1. What Are Web Design Services?
  2. What is the front end of a website?
  3. How Web Design Differs From Web Development
  4. Affordable Website Design Packages
  5. Things to keep in mind when considering web design services
If you want a website and you can’t do it yourself, chances are that you are looking for web design services. You know what you are looking for, but at the same time, you don’t really know. Before you run back to Google to type in “affordable website design packages” let’s help you out by showing you what services you can expect from a professional web design company.

What Are Web Design Services?

Web design is a mix of different skill sets that are involved with the production of the front end of a website.

What is the front end of a website?

This is what a user (clients and people browsing the internet) sees when they, open up a website. Web designers often consist of teams that work on user interface design and user experience design.Web design is quite literally responsible for the look and feel of your website. The design process to make your website understandable and easy to navigate for the end user is where great web design services differ from someone who just builds a website.

How Web Design Differs From Web Development

Web design is often confused with web development. Web development and web design teams often work together. But web development is normally responsible for most of the coding work to bring the design to life or on the back end of your website to build features into your website.

Affordable Website Design Packages

The saying goes “You get what you pay for”. The exact same is true with regard to web design services. When you are building a website for clients to use, you want to make sure you end up with an easily understood website that looks professional.Website design packages will differ in price from project to project because no two websites are the same. Cheaper is not always better and this is something to keep in mind when you are looking for affordable web design services. Always ask to see a portfolio of work, and head on over to the websites in the portfolio yourself to see what you are potentially signing up for.Content Management Systems like WordPress have made it possible for almost anyone to create a website. An R700 website design package might sound like a steal, but if you are looking for quality work from designers with years of experience and expertise then you are not going to get that for R700.I wish web design prices were cut and dry so I could give you an exact amount, but it simply cannot be done without understanding the scope of a project. Be wary of any web design company that can give you a price without receiving a scope for the website project.

Things to keep in mind when considering web design services

Building a website can be months of work. For that reason, you don’t want to get into a contract and then a few weeks down the line, you regret your decision. Here are a few points to keep in mind when choosing your web design company:
  • Location is key. Yes, remote work is completely possible in web design, but generally speaking, if you are in Gauteng it would be better to work with a web design team in Gauteng. And if you are looking at outsourcing work internationally, keep time zones in mind.
  • What is your website for, and has the web designer built that type of website in the past? An e-commerce website differs vastly from a law firm website, etc.
  • Experience counts. Someone who started designing websites yesterday is not going to be on the same level as a web designer with 10 years of experience.
  • Where is the content for your website going to come from? A website needs images and text, and without those two you have no content and, in turn, no website. Can your web design agency help with creating content for your website?
  • Brand. If you don’t already have a CI (Corporate Identity), does your website design agency have a designer who’ll be able to assist with your company logo and brand CI? This will ensure that your brand is transferred to your website.
  • Will your new website be a mobile friend or responsive? 50% of internet browsing these days is done via smartphone, so your website should be just as good-looking and easy to use on mobile as it is on a desktop computer.
When you do find the web design services that fit it will be a huge relief and it will save you a lot of stress and frustration in the future. If you are looking for web design services in Pretoria, contact us and start your web design project with peace of mind.